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نموذج عقد زواج قطري مترجم للانجليزية

نموذج عقد زواج قطري مترجم للانجليزية

نموذج ترجمة عقد زواج قطري (إنجليزي)
يبحث العديد من الأفراد عن صيغة ونموذج ترجمة "عقد زواج قطري" باللغة الإنجليزية من أجل إنجاز بعض الأعمال المتعلقة بالزواج وتسجيل شهادة الزواج والمواليد. لذا دعونا نقدم بين يديكم ترجمة موثوقة لعقد زواج قطري من خلال أفضل المترجمين بين اللغة العربية والإنجليزية.

The State of Qatar

Court of First Instance

Family Summary Justice Court

Documentation Department 


 DOC No.:  ……… documentation



On this ……… day of ……… of year ……… (Islamic Calendar), corresponding to the ……… day of ………, year ……… (AD). This valid marriage contract was concluded by me, ………………, Accredited marriage registrar at the Supreme Council of Judiciary, By and between:




Name: …………

Nationality: …….., By Virtue of an Identity Card No …….. Issued in …….., Date: ……..             

Place and Date of Birth : …….., …/…/.. AD

Name:  …………

Nationality: …….., By Virtue of a Passport No. …….. Issued in Saudi Arabia, Date: ……..

Place and Date of Birth : …….., …/…/.. AD

For a dowry as follows:

Advance payment: …………..

And deferred payment: …………..

This is after the completion of the marriage conditions and vacancy of any objection

Conducted by: Husband in persona

Wife's guardian: …………..  

Special conditions: …………..



This contract was made as mentioned hereinabove according to the mutual agreement, consent, and contentment of both parties; and authorized at presence of Witnesses:

1-       …………..  

2-       …………..  


Executed for necessary action,

May Allah's blessings and prayer be upon His prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.)and his family and companions .



Judge in the First Instance Court  

In the Name of Allah the Most Gracious and the Most Merciful


The State of Qatar

Court of First Instance                                                 

Documentation Department                         No.: …………. Documentation



On this …………. day of …………. of year ……. (Islamic Calendar), corresponding to the …………. day of ……, year ……. (AD). This valid marriage contract was concluded by me, …………., Accredited marriage registrar at the Supreme Council of Judiciary in the Authentication Department



…………., Nationality : …………., Under ID No.: …………., Issued at: ………          On: __/__/____



And he said under his legally condition status: "I am married with a lawful wife still with my wedlock. She is called …………. and I request to affirm this legally". After searching his request and asking him to give the proof he brought both:



1- …………., Nationality : …………., Under ID No.: …………., Issued at: ………….          On: __/__/____

2- …………., Nationality : …………., Under ID No.: …………., Issued at: ………….          On: __/__/____


Accordingly, after listening to the witness of the two witnesses and referring to Previous Marriage Confirmation Certificate which issued at …………. on ……/…/…. AD, it became affirmed the sustaining of the said lady within the wedlock of the said husband. Executed for necessary action,

May Allah's blessings and prayer be upon His prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.)and his family and companions .




(Handwritten Signature)

Head of the Court of First Instance
