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نموذج عقد زواج مسيحي مترجم للانجليزية

نموذج عقد زواج مسيحي مترجم للانجليزية

صيغة عقد زواج مسيحي مصري باللغة الإنجليزية
يبحث العديد من الأفراد عن صيغة ونموذج ترجمة "عقد زواج مصري مسيحي" باللغة الإنجليزية من أجل إنجاز بعض الأعمال المتعلقة بالزواج وتسجيل شهادة الزواج والمواليد. لذا دعونا نقدم بين يديكم ترجمة موثوقة لصيغة عقد زواج مصري مسيحي من خلال أفضل المترجمين بين اللغة العربية والإنجليزية.

Egyptian Christian Marriage Contract

For Sectarians United Religious Group and Doctrine

Book No.: …………. Doc. No.: ……………….

Entered in Civil Status Register under No. ……… on ……………….

NB: Marriage Officer will sign under each photo and have the thumb fingerprints of the husband and wife on their respective photo.

On this ……, the …… of ……… the year ……., corresponding to the ……….A.D., at ………. In my presence and through me, the priest / ………… the notary approved by ……………. District, under the jurisdiction of ……… Court of Personal Status for self-tutelage.
As per the witness of:

(1) Name: ………, Nationality: ……….., Religion: …………, Date of Birth: ………, Place of Birth: ………., Profession: ………, Place of Residence: …………….. whose identity is proven by National ID No. National issued from Statuses on 7/99, National No. ……….

(2) Name: ………, Nationality: ………, Religion: ….., Date of Birth: ……., Place of Birth: ……., Profession: ………., Place of Residence: ……………. whose identity is proven by National ID No. National issued from Statuses on …….., National No. ……..

As has been them witnesses, adult, wise and aware of the personalities of the two contracting parties. Attended each of:

Husband: Mr./ ……………., who is directly concluding the marriage contract by himself, Nationality: Egyptian, Religion: ……….., Date of Birth:-………, place of birth …………, his profession: …….., place of residence: ………….. , work address: None , ID No.: ------, issued on ……….. from civil registry: ………….., National ID No. ……………., Name of husband's mother: ………….. mailing address to which he wishes to serve notices: City/Village: ……. , district: …….., street: ………….

(B) Wife: Name of wife, whether she is virgin or previously married ………………… , who is virgin, wife's Nationality: Egyptian, Religion: …………, Date of Birth: …………., Place of Birth: ………., Profession: ……………….., Place of Residence: ………….., Work Address: None, ID card No. ----, issued on ……….. from civil status: ………., National ID No. …………., Name of wife's mother: ………….., Mailing address to which she wishes to serve notices: …………

District: …………… , Street: …………

They asked us to tie them with the marriage bond, after being aware of the legitimate and legal impediments of marriage, they assured that they are free from it and the witnesses certified that.

Upon reviewing the Identification Card of the husband and I found that he was born on …………. in Cairo governorate, ---------- City/ Markaz, upon reviewing the Identification Card of the wife who was born on …………… as it was proven through the Identification Card of the wife /her birth certificate/ medical certificate showing her age and issued by ------------ Health Inspector or by the physician of -----------.

After verifying non-existence of what deters their marriage and verifying that the wife has no pension or salary in the government / has no money exceeds two hundred pounds. After stating both couples before us and at listening of us and of the attendants in the session of the contract his approval upon this marriage (yes).

As this marriage has been declared and no one submitted any objection (No).

We informed from applicants of marriage whether they choose a certain financial system for marriage or not, both of them replied: No

They stated that the husband paid dowry amounted to (20) twenty Egyptian pounds only.

We informed about each of them whether they have already married or not:

The husband stated: No, he was not married before.

The wife stated: No, she was not married before.

We advised them openly and upon listening of the attendants in contract session what will be followed upon this marriage. Then, we asked the husband whether he accepts his marriage from: (…………..) the attendant in the session of this contract as legal wife. He replied saying: yes. Then, we asked the wife whether she accepts her marriage from: (………) the attendant in the session of this contract as legal husband. She replied: yes.

We stated upon hearing of the attendants in the session of the contract, in a loud voice that they have related to correct legal marriage relation, after performing religious ceremonies licensed by Patriarchate/ No: …….. dated ………….. The husband and wife agreed that marital home is ………..

Special Terms & Conditions

The Spouses hereby agree to the following: Nothing

Husband’s Registration Family no. : No , Wife’s Registration Family no. : No

Upon the mentioned, this contract has been executed as ………….has married …………………. as legal marriage after reciting it on the presents and witnesses and all signed on it.

Husband Wife Witnesses: Delegated Authorized

Court's Seal


This document is executed in an original and triplicate, one given to the husband / his attorney, the second to the wife / her attorney and the third filed with -------- Civil Registry Office, the original is to be kept in the book.

(1) The whole dowry is written down, the present or deferred in figures and words

(2) The spouses may agree on whatever conditions they want provided that such agreement may not violate their belief.