In The Name of Allah, the Most Gracious,
The Most Merciful
Republic of Sudan
Judicial Authority
Entry of Marriage Contract
Doc. No.: ……..
On this ……..……..……..
A.H corresponding to ……..A.D by me / …...…….. the marriage officer of …….. Area,
personal status court of ……...……..
following Marriage Contract has been concluded by and between:
(A) Husband: ……..……..,
through his attorney ……..……..
(B) Wife: ……..…….., virgin, adult, under proxy of her father who authorized ……..……..
orally in the council in concluding the marriage contract by her approval to
the husband and the legal dowry in the presence and witness of :
1- ……..…….. / ID Number …….. on ……..……..
2- ……..……../ ID Number …….. on ……..……..
They and the two witnesses know them well and that and
they are free from the legal impediments
Contract is concluded in return for a dowry of …….. Pounds, (Only …….. pounds),
all of which was paid in advance. This marriage is lawfully concluded in
compliance with the Book of Allah and the tradition (Sunna) of His Messenger,
may the Blessings & Peace of Allah be upon him, upon lawful offer and
acceptance. Executed in duplicate, one for the wife and the other for the
amounting to -----------were paid as per receipt No. ----------
Husband/ Proxy: A Handwritten Signature
Wife/ Proxy: A Handwritten Signature
Witnesses: A Handwritten Signature / A Handwritten Signature
Marriage Officer: A Handwritten Signature
Official Court's Seal
Marriage Certificate