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صيغة عقد عمل بالإنجليزي

Work Contract
In the Name of Allah, The most Gracious, The Most Merciful

On ../../….. AD, corresponding to / / AH

It is agreed by and between:

1- M/S: …………….. Company – (First Party).

2- Mr. …………. – Sudanese National - (Second Party)

Date of Birth: …./…/……. – Passport No.: ………..

ID NO.: …………..

The first party shall work for the second party according to the following terms and conditions :


The first party accepts the appointment of the second party in Moderator clerks Affairs employees in Ministry of Interior at the Seventh Rank, and the annual increment ( the First) for basic salary which is ( 3900 QAR) until he reach the maximum of the fixed salary for such rank.


The second party shall have transportation allowance which is ( 600 QAR) in accordance with the laws, regulations, and the applicable decisions in the Ministry of Interior.


Such contract shall be valid from 01/04/2006 AD and for five years.


The second party shall have (45) days as annual paid leave.


The first party has the right to terminate such contract, at any time, by two month notification at least, without presenting any grounds, as the second party has the right to submit his resignation prior to one month of its date, if such period collapsed without issuance of decree to accept such resignation or postpone it for same period, such resignation shall consider accepted, and The first party may accept it or postpone it for same period, according to conditions and work requirements.


If neither The first party nor the second party notifies the other party of his wish not to renew such contract, prior Thirty days to its expiration date at least, such contract shall renewal for ( two years) and it shall renewal for same periods in the same manners.


The second party and his family members, who support them, shall grant the medical treatment pursuant to the applicable systems.

(cont. Labor contract ( Local) for none Qatari Employees From the First Rank to the Seventh Rank)


The second party and his wife and three of his kids younger than eighteen years old, an economy tickets as follows:

(A) from the place of contract to the state upon the beginning of joining the work( only for the employees from abroad).

(B) two ways ticket upon travel once during the year, if he authorized to have annual leave. And its provided to grant such travel tickets for the husband and kids to carry on the leave, they must have a valid residence.

(C )upon the expiration of the service, provided the cancelation of the residence, and leave the country for god, and in all cases, provided to grant such travel tickets for the husband and kids, they didn’t granting it from their employers.


The first party shall provide to the second party a suitable house for singles, or furnished house for the married employee, in accordance with the regulations and the applicable bylaws in the state, according to what is issued by the competent department in the Ministry.


The second party shall grant, in case of providing furnished house pursuant to the previous clause, electricity and water consumption allowance, according to the value and the applicable rules in the Ministry.


If the second party absent of the work for ( 15) successive days, it may consider him resigned, from the date of his absence, unless he provide during the following fifteen days what proves that his absence of work for reasonable excuse. Furthermore, if he absent of the work for Thirty days which are not successive days annually without an acceptable excuse for his department, its labor contract shall consider terminated from the following day of completing of such period.


The second party shall have upon the end of service, an end of service gratuity in accordance with the regulations and the applicable laws in the state.


The second party shall have the loans, increments, allowances, and leaves in accordance with the applicable by the first party.


Such contract shall not consider valid, unless the second party passes the medicals examinations and the professional tests, which shall done by the competent departments in the state of Qatar, and complete the assignment procedures in accordance with the regulations and the applicable bylaws in the state, notwithstanding of the foregoing, and for salary proposes- such contract shall be valid for the employee who comes from abroad, from the first working day after he came to the state.


The second party shall subject to the regulations and the applicable bylaws in the Ministry of Interior, regarding the discipline of civil employees who works for it.


Unless otherwise provided in such contract, the ministerial decrees which organizing the status of the civil employees in the Ministry, shall be applied. unless otherwise provided in such ministerial decrees, the military service law, shall be applied. unless otherwise provided in such law, the civil service law No. (1) of the year 2001 AD, its executive regulation, shall be applied.


Such contract issued in one original copy and two copies, it shall keep the original and one copy in the file of the second party, and the other copy shall deliver to the second party to act accordingly.

The First Party: ...................        The Second Party: ...................

Handwritten Signature Handwritten Signature

Seal: ..............................

صيغة عقد عمل بالإنجليزي