📁 قد يعجبك

نموذج عقد زواج سعودي من أجنبية انجليزي

نموذج عقد زواج سعودي من أجنبية انجليزي

وثيقة عقد زواج سعودي من أجنبية بالإنجليزي
يبحث العديد من الأفراد عن صيغة ونموذج ترجمة "وثيقة عقد زواج سعودي من أجنبية بالإنجليزي" باللغة الإنجليزية من أجل إنجاز بعض الأعمال المتعلقة بالزواج وتسجيل شهادة الزواج والمواليد. لذا دعونا نقدم بين يديكم ترجمة موثوقة لعقد زواج سعودي من خلال أفضل المترجمين بين اللغة العربية والإنجليزية.

In the Name of Allah the Most Gracious the Most Merciful

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Ministry of Justice


The Final Directorates of the General Court in ………….

........ Final Directorate – Office Number …

Deed Number: ………….

Date: ………….AH

Saudi Deed of Marriage Contract

All praising to Allah and peace and blessing be upon the last Messenger.

Before me, I: …………., the judge of the Final Directorates of the General Court in ………….,

The following persons have attended:


Name of the Husband: ………….

Capacity: ………….

Identification Type: ………….

Identification Number: ………….

Nationality: ………….


Status of the Wife: ………….

Name: ………….

Identification Type: ………….

Identification Number: ………….

Nationality: ………….

Details of the Legal Guardian:

Name: ………….

Identification Type: ………….

Identification Number: ………….

Nationality: ………….

The Relationship between the Guardian and the Woman: In his capacity as the father of the woman.

Amount of Dowry: ………….

Wife's Conditions: ………….

The Guardian has stated explicitly to the marriage applicant, I marry you my dependent …………. for the mentioned dowry and upon the said conditions then the marriage applicant stated explicitly I accept this marriage.

This was upon the presence and the witness of the following persons:

Name: ………….

Identification Type: ………….

Identification Number: ………….

Nationality: ………….

In witness whereof, the marriage was made upon the approval of the guardian and the acceptance of the husband after the existence of the conditions and pillars of the marriage and the negativity of any prohibitions.

Peace and blessing of Allah be upon our Prophet Muhammed, his family, and companions.

This contract was issued and signed on …………. AH.

Official Seal Judge


Handwritten Signature